Monday, November 24, 2008

Patent on gesture-controlled phone

I'm looking for patents related to gesture recognition system which can be played in mobile phone platform.

nokia gesture phone patent

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Use pdfwrite please

When you are creating graphics using psfrag, you cannot use PDFLatex directly, instead you can just compile the document into DVI and convert it into *.ps file (use the DVIPS).

Then open the *.ps file using GsView or you can use the ghostscript command line to CONVERT the *.ps file into *.pdf. (Convert it! not to print it!)

Take care

Use inkscape and psfrag for including vector graphics in Latex

1. Draw your vector graphics on inkscape . Put text variables (using text tool, for example var_1, var_2, anything!) Save it as *.eps file (don't forget to UN-CHECK all the options of the EPS output).

2. A latex file example





3. Compile it!

ahmm vs hmm

Have to put it somewhere,

ahmm vs hmm
The fundamental difference is that ahmm allows non-emitting states and it uses designated start states and separates the start probability from the model so you can use end states and start states to glue different models into a bigger model



Recently, I found Xe-{TeX,LaTeX} to be very cool way of adopting "local fonts" to experience neat layout on .pdf files. Really cool!

An example of xelatex document:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Praesent non mauris eget
인구는 약 142만명이다. 광주광역시는 인구가 약 500만명인 호남 지방의 유일한 광역시이며, 호남 지방의

compile it with xelatex (available in MikTex 2.7 package)

Friday, November 21, 2008

PTAM - Source Code (VC++ 2005)

It's been a while I haven't do anything with Augmented Reality (AR). But, recently I was tempted by a thread in openframeworks forum for dealing again with code - related to the AR.

It is fun seeing the work done by Georg Klein - a project named PTAM - Parallel Tracking and Mapping for Small AR Workspaces that has been presented in ISMAR 2007. Really cool! Awesome!

Moreover, you can download the C++ source code in here. But if you familiar with VC++ 2005, you can download the ready-to-compiled solution in here. It uses the 1394 camera; but if you don't have it, don't worry! you can use webcam and please enjoy the source code in here.



Development phase